European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network

elgpn logoIn 2007-2015 The European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network, ELGPN aimed to assist the European Union (EU) Member States (and the neighbouring countries eligible for the EU Erasmus+ Programme) and the European Commission in developing European co-operation on lifelong guidance in both the education and the employment sectors. Its purpose was to promote co-operation at Member State level in implementing the priorities identified in the EU Resolutions on Lifelong Guidance (2004; 2008). The network was established by the Member States; the Commission supported its activities under the Erasmus+ in 2015.

The ELGPN represented a major development in support of national lifelong guidance policy development in Europe. As a Member-State-driven network, it also represented an innovative form of the Open Method of Co-ordination within the EU. The participating countries designated their representatives in the network, and were encouraged to include both governmental and non-governmental representatives.

 ELGPN Tools No. 2. Glossary

ELGPN TOOLS NO. 2: GLOSSARY has been developed to provide a common set of definitions for lifelong guidance (LLG) policy development and related guidance terminology. It provides a set of definitions that have been agreed by members of the ELGPN to support the use of ELGPN Lifelong Guidance Policy Development: a European Resource Kit. The aim of the Resource Kit is to support policy review and peer learning processes both within and between countries. However, in the absence of another source that defines commonly used terminology in this field, it is hoped that the ELGPN Glossary will also prove to be a valuable resource for practitioners working in this field across the EU. A critical issue for the Glossary is to define a set of terms, many of which are used in the Resource Kit, in a lifelong guidance context and thus facilitate dialogue on LLG policy development across the EU. As far as possible the glossary uses existing EU definitions, but these have been supplemented and extended where necessary to provide definitions that are relevant in a contemporary guidance context. However, certain terms, which have been defined in EU resolutions and directives, have not been changed.

 ELGPN Tools No. 5: Strengthening the Quality Assurance and Evidence-Base for Lifelong Guidance

THE AIM OF THIS TOOL is to stimulate stakeholder discussion and action for the continuous improvement of lifelong guidance policies and practices, focusing on strengthening quality assurance and evidence-based policy and systems development.

Campos de educación y capacitación 2013 de la CINE (ISCED-F 2013)

Clasificación detallada de los Campos de Educación y Capacitación de la CINE acompañada de una lista completa de las definiciones de cada campo, y con ejemplos de temas incluidos y excluidos en cada caso.

ELGPN Tools No. 1: A European Resource Kit

THIS EUROPEAN RESOURCE KIT is designed to help policy-makers and other stakeholders to review existing lifelong guidance provision within their country or region, and to identify issues requiring attention and gaps that need to be filled, drawing from practices in other European countries. Lifelong guidance covers all activities designed to help individuals, at any point in their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers. The Resource Kit is based on the four key themes identified in the 2004 and 2008 EU Resolutions:

  • Career management skills.
  • Access, including accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL).
  • Co-operation and co-ordination mechanisms in guidance policy and systems development.
  • Quality assurance and evidence base for policy and systems development.
ELGPN Tools No. 3: The Evidence Base on Lifelong Guidance: A Guide to Key Findings for Effective Policy and Practice

THE PURPOSE OF THIS EVIDENCE GUIDE is to present the existing international research base on the impact of lifelong guidance, including its educational outcomes, economic and employment outcomes, and social outcomes. The guide has been prepared for ELGPN by Professor Tristram Hooley, International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby, UK. It builds on the work undertaken by the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN) during 2008–14, including the Quality-Assurance and Evidence-Base (QAE) Framework which provides an approach for policy-makers to address quality assurance and evidence-based policy and system development. The guide synthesises the existing impact evidence. It suggests that guidance is most effective when it is conceived as a lifelong system and that policy-makers should continue to develop this evidence base to ensure that policies are based on the best evidence available.

ELGPN Tools No. 4: Designing and Implementing Policies Related Career Management Skills (CMS)

CAREER MANAGEMENT SKILLS (CMS) enable citizens to manage their individual life paths in educa- tion, training and work across the lifespan. This ELGPN Tool is addressed to policy-makers who wish to develop a comprehensive national guidance policy with the focus on the acquisition of CMS. This need may arise in the light of the various lifelong guidance policies which exist in Europe, of closing existing gaps in the national provision, and in meeting future approaches to lifelong guidance. This tool is intended to support policy-makers in considering key questions in CMS-related policies by sharing insights, good practices and conclusions across the ELGPN member-countries.

ELGPN Tools No. 6: Guidelines for Policies and Systems Development for Lifelong Guidance

THE AIM OF THESE GUIDELINES is to provide advice and reference points for lifelong guidance policies and systems across the education, training, employment and social fields in order to improve the career learning experience of EU citizens and strengthen the professionalism of career services and tools. The Guidelines also aim to demonstrate how coherent guidance policies and systems contribute to achieving education, employment, youth and social policy goals. The Guidelines can be used by policy-makers and developers, social partners, civil society, career guidance services and professional leaders, guidance practitioners, and trainers of guidance practitioners. This tool synthesises the policy development work undertaken by the members of ELGPN in 2007–15.